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Library Media: Orientation to the Library: News Literacy Resources

A general guide to help students to navigate library resources.

News Literacy Vocabulary


accuracy [ak-yer-uh-see] (noun) The condition or quality of being true, correct or exact; freedom from error or defect

algorithm [al-guh-rith-uh m] (noun) A complex mathematical equation used by search engines to find data

bias [bahy-uh s] (noun) prejudice; consciously or subconsciously favoring one person or point of view more than others

credibility [kred-uh-bil-i-tee] (noun) The trustworthiness or reliability of something

directory [dih-rek-tuh-ree] (noun) An organizing unit in a computer's file system for storing and locating files

evaluation tool [ih-val-yoo-ey-shuh n tool] (noun) A process or procedure to judge or assess the trustworthiness of something

fake news [feyk nooz] (noun) False information or propaganda published as if it were authentic news

index [in-deks] (noun) A method of sorting data by creating keywords or a listing of the data

online [on-lahyn] (adjective) found on the internet

reasoning [ree-zuh-ning] (noun) the act of thinking through

reliability [ri-lahy-uh-bil-i-tee] (noun) The ability to be relied on or depended on, as for accuracy, honesty or achievement

search engine [surch en-juh-n] (noun) A computer program that searches documents, especially on the World Wide Web, for a specified word or words and provides a list of documents in which they are found

social media [soh-shuh l mee-dee-uh] (noun) Websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts

source [sawrs] (noun) someone or something that provides information



Teaching Tolerance - Digital Literacy 

Lateral Reading

Balanced News Coverage

American Library Association

News Literacy LibGuide