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English: Psychology in Literature Inquiry: Works Cited

Inquiry Research project

Access NoodleTools


Use your School email account. 




Online Research Platform - Record, organize, synthesize information and research; create Works Cited pages; share your work with your teacher through the site.

Use this tool to cite sources, set up notecards, collaborate on a project, create a Works Cited page and to share your work to your teacher's course drop box. See Mrs. Cellucci with questions or if you need assistance.

NoodleTools - Students

NoodleTools - Staff 

Use your WHS gmail account credentials to create your NoodleTools account. 


NoodleTools: FAQ's, How To's and Instructions

Some helpful links:

NoodleTools: Video Tutorials

NoodleTools Info For Teachers:

Welcome to NoodleBib, a platform for student research which is anchored in the best practices of academic research and inquiry learning.

Known as the most comprehensive and accurate bibliography composer on the Web, NoodleBib also includes note-taking and outlining components that enable a researcher, alone or with others, to extract, organize and synthesize information.

Members of a group can work in real-time on an interactive tabletop to take notes, cite and annotate sources, then outline and write a paper.

Multiple instructors can monitor an individual's contributions to the project and give in-context feedback that is visible on students' dashboards.

The seamless integration with Google Docs gives students a robust online composing space and permits instructors to do paperless evaluation and provide feedback directly on students’ work. NoodleBib is a flexible teaching tool which supports both individual learning preferences and a variety of teaching styles.

Other Helpful Links

Purdue OWL online writing lab offers help to write your papers, avoid plagiarism, and to cite sources.